KrissArt Marketing Design has had the pleasure of redesigning Project Hospitality's website. The new site provides visually pleasing graphics and easy to navigate pages. Find many ways you could help and how to receive help if needed.
It is the mission of Project Hospitality, Inc. to reach out to community members who are hungry, homeless or otherwise in need in order to work with them to achieve their self-sufficiency — thereby enhancing the quality of life for our community. Project Hospitality seeks to realize its mission both by advocating for those in need and by establishing a comprehensive continuum of care that begins with the provision of food, clothing and shelter and extends to other services which include health care, mental health, alcohol and substance abuse treatment, HIV care, education, vocational training, legal assistance, and transitional and permanent housing. See the new website at Need to revamp your website? Contact KrissArt Marketing Design, click here.
Joanne Tombrakos, Storyteller. Marketing and Sales Consultant. Adjunct Professor at NYU. Huffington Post |
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March 2020