When designing a logo for your business, it's important to take into account the way people interpret color. It's the right time to ask, what kind of emotion do I want my brand to convey? Below is an infographic that helps clearly illustrate what emotions are invoked by certain colors using the logos from top brands as an example. Psychologists have studied how people are affected by colors for years and found a strong correlation between colors and emotional responses, further driving home the point that choosing the right color is crucial in determining how your brand is viewed. When it comes to designing a logo for your business, let this be a guide for the direction of your color palette. What four emotions do you wish to convey when someone thinks of your brand or sees your logo? Write these down and see where they fall in this color chart of emotions. Remember, this is only one of many aspects of the logo design process to take into account. (Click the image to enlarge) Are you in need of a logo or need your existing logo redesigned? KrissArt Marketing Design helps businesses in Staten Island and all across America develop their brand, establishing credibility, and helping them gain more clients. Contact us.
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March 2020